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Crop Overview

A banana is an elongated, edible fruit – botanically a berry – produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants in the genus Musa. In some countries, bananas used for cooking may be called "plantains", distinguishing them from dessert bananas.

Banana is an important fruit crop of many tropical and subtropical regions of India. It is cultivated in India in an area of 830.5 thousand ha and total production is around 29,779.91 thousand tons. Main banana growing states are Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.

Major Pests & Damage

Major Pests & Damage

Banana weevil

Banana weevil

(Cosmopolites sordidus)

White Fly

White Fly

(Aleurodicus disperses)

Banana Pseudo stem borer

Banana Pseudo stem borer

(Odoiporus longicollis)



(Tetranychidae spp.)



(Pentalonia nigronervosa)



(Chaetanaphothrips signipennis)

Major Diseases

Major Diseases

Panama Wilt Disease
Panama Wilt Disease

(Fusarium oxysporium f sp cubense)

The fungus spreads to the rhizome and then the pseudostem. Externally, the first signs of disease are usually wilting and yellowing of the older leaves around the margins. The yellow leaves may remain erect or collapse at the petiole. Sometimes, the leaves remain green, except for spots on the petiole, but still snap.

Brown Leaf Spot
Brown Leaf Spot

(Guignardia-Phyllosticta sp )

First symptoms of brown spot caused by Drechslera are small, circular brown spots on the leaves. As they enlarge, these spots develop tan centers and brown margins.

Sigatoka Leaf Spot
Sigatoka Leaf Spot

(Mycospherella musicola)

The first visible symptom is a slight discoloration between the leaf's secondary veins. Over time, these points develop into pale yellow streaks, brown streaks and elliptic necrotic spots arranged parallel to the secondary veins. The depressed grey center is surrounded by a yellow halo.

Root Knot Nematodes
Root Knot Nematodes

(Meloidogyne spp.)

Root-knot nematodes do not produce any specific above-ground symptoms. Affected plants have an unthrifty appearance and often show symptoms of stunting, wilting or chlorosis (yellowing). Symptoms are particularly severe when plants are infected soon after planting.

Black Leaf Spot
Black Leaf Spot

(Deghtoniella torulosa)

On fruits, black discolouration below the perianth advanced with irregular areas or yellowish margins along the fruits. In some varieties, nearly round reddish brown spots with black center and a darker green, water soaked halo may be seen.

Bunchy Top of Banana
Bunchy Top of Banana

(BBTV, genus Babuvirus)

Banana bunchy top disease is the most serious virus disease of banana worldwide. Diseased plants rarely produce fruit and when they do, the fruit is stunted and twisted.

Major Diseases

Panama Wilt Disease
Panama Wilt Disease

(Fusarium oxysporium f sp cubense)

The fungus spreads to the rhizome and then the pseudostem. Externally, the first signs of disease are usually wilting and yellowing of the older leaves around the margins. The yellow leaves may remain erect or collapse at the petiole. Sometimes, the leaves remain green, except for spots on the petiole, but still snap.

Brown Leaf Spot
Brown Leaf Spot

(Guignardia-Phyllosticta sp )

First symptoms of brown spot caused by Drechslera are small, circular brown spots on the leaves. As they enlarge, these spots develop tan centers and brown margins.

Sigatoka Leaf Spot
Sigatoka Leaf Spot

(Mycospherella musicola)

The first visible symptom is a slight discoloration between the leaf's secondary veins. Over time, these points develop into pale yellow streaks, brown streaks and elliptic necrotic spots arranged parallel to the secondary veins. The depressed grey center is surrounded by a yellow halo.

Root Knot Nematodes
Root Knot Nematodes

(Meloidogyne spp.)

Root-knot nematodes do not produce any specific above-ground symptoms. Affected plants have an unthrifty appearance and often show symptoms of stunting, wilting or chlorosis (yellowing). Symptoms are particularly severe when plants are infected soon after planting.

Black Leaf Spot
Black Leaf Spot

(Deghtoniella torulosa)

On fruits, black discolouration below the perianth advanced with irregular areas or yellowish margins along the fruits. In some varieties, nearly round reddish brown spots with black center and a darker green, water soaked halo may be seen.

Bunchy Top of Banana
Bunchy Top of Banana

(BBTV, genus Babuvirus)

Banana bunchy top disease is the most serious virus disease of banana worldwide. Diseased plants rarely produce fruit and when they do, the fruit is stunted and twisted.

Nutritional Deficiency









Nutritional Deficiency

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