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Shaping the Future
of Agriculture

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Research and Development

The company has established most modern R & D Centre of 10,000 sq. feet at their factory premises. The company is active in research and development with a massive objective of LAB-TO-LAND. The research and new findings established by the state agricultural universities and other institutes have been scaled up and commercialized as pest control agents. The company is also active in the research of key aspects of formulation and appropriate product delivery system that has direct bearing with the substantiation of laboratory findings to the large-scale field applications especially of the products like entomopathogens, fungal antagonists, nitrogen fixers, phosphate solubilizes and biotic stress defending organisms. The company has developed / indigenized six technologies through R&D center independently and/or some of the technical collaborations with various research organizations.  

Some of our technology developed through in-house R&D received recognition and awards at national level. 

The R&D facilities at Agriland is recognized by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India.

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Surface Technology

It is used for production of  high quality biopesticides which are user friendly, high potency and high CFU.


Carrot Hairy  Root Culture

 It has ability to produce high quality endomycorrhiza based biofertilizers.


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NoMate LifeTime

It is very useful insect sex pheromonal system for season long control of fruit fly for fruit and cucurbit plantations. 

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Pheromone Impregnation Technology

It is for notorious lepidopteron insects occurring high value horticultural and agricultural crops.

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Microencapsulation Technology

This technology is used for liquid biofertilizers.


Microbes for Waste      Decomposting

 These are high quality lignin and cellulose degrading microbes. 

100x Series Bio-Fertilizers

100x series biofertilizers is an ideal biology for Integrated Nutrient Management.

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Smart Nutra NANO Potency

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Smart series is fast fuel nutrient in potentized form of multiple nutrients crucial for faster plant growth.

All Techs

Research in Progress

  • Development of new lepidopterous Insect Sex Pheromones.

  • Development Bio-weedicides/Bio-herbicides 

  • Isolation and development of Bacterial strains for Plant growth promotion and better yield.  

  • Development of Decomposing new microbes for high lignin waste. 

  • Development of Consortia Products. 

Research in progress
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Surface Technology

Surface Technology, developed indigenously, is a method in which the microorganisms are cultivated on the surface of a liquid or solid substrate under controlled and pure culture condition in Class 10000 clean room.  

  • The developed Technology has been scaled up and is being employed for commercial production of biopesticides and the products manufactured with this technology are already in the market.  Agriland proudly reiterates that the new biological processes are of high standards and are considered among the few in the world.

  • Products manufactured by surface technology are high potency, high CFU and work against target pests and diseases with many fold strength and realize the role of biological crop protection.

  • Specialty of product is water soluble, incredibly low dose, highly potent, high field efficacy and no staining on sprayed leaf surfaces.

  • Products are highly potent, offer highest guaranteed colony forming units and are water soluble.​

  • Gaining overwhelming response and respect from the users are all because of their user friendly attributes and high field efficacies.​

  • Product is drip compliant and easy to apply in the field and supplied in unique packaging.

  • Each rupee spent for plant protection is rewarded with good return to farmers.

Surface Technology

Carrot Hairy Root Culture

The mentioned technology is a state-of-the-art in vitro root organ culture technique originally licensed from TERI and commercial production is undertaken in Class 100 to Class 10000 clean room areas that offers purest form of Endomycorrhiza propagules. It is environmentally robust technique that gives huge production and highest quality. Product has shown spectacular agronomic benefits like grain yield and dry mass increases in different crops. 

These are some of the advantages it offers :


  • MYCOZONE is an environment friendly organic agri-input, reduces or stops the need of chemical fertilizers and it is a great boon to the green environment.

  • Helps Solubilizing unavailable phosphorus present in soil and increases phosphorus and Zinc uptakes.

  • Mobilizes and Increases micronutrients uptake (Zinc, Copper, Iron, Sulphur, Manganese, Cobalt, Molybdenum etc. present in soil).

  • Enhances water uptake of plant.

  • Increases resistance among crop plants against pathogens and other pests.

  • Enhances tolerance to soil stresses viz. high salt levels, heavy metal toxicity, drought, high temperatures etc.

  • Enhances seedling survival on transplantation.

  • Enhances beneficial microbial population in the root zone.

  • Improves yield and quality of the produces.

  • Cost effective to farmers.

  • Improves soil structure and crop growth.

  • Enhances N2 fixation through promoting other microbes.

  • Product saves a lot of foreign exchange to the country. This product is an alternative to chemical fertilizers like Di-Ammonium Phosphate (DAP). It reduces 50% DAP straight away.

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NoMate LifeTime

NoMate LifeTime Insect Sex pheromone system is very unique system for control of fruit fly insects in fruit orchards like Mango, Guava, Ber, Custard apple, Pomogranate, Litchi, cherry etc and cucurbit crops like water melon, musk melon, cucumber, bitter guard, little guard, pointed guard, gherkins etc.


These are some of the advantages it offers :


  • There is no need to spray toxic chemical pesticides.

  • Use only five NoMate LifeTime Traps per acre area and safeguard the crop from fruit flies for 3-4 months.

  • It is one of the best systems for the management of fruit fly occurring in fruit crops and cucurbit crops.

  • Environment friendly, cost effective and labour-saving system. 

  • Trap is made up of PET material which is sturdy and heat resistant and it has fluorescent colour to attract males & females. It is a parapheromone system that attracts males by luring them for the development of genital organs.

  • Blocks are of softwood and impregnated with two different chemicals. 

(1) Methyl Eugenol Block (Extract of clove oil or black Tulsi).

(2) Cuelure Blocks (Extract of Berry).

  • Stabilizing agents are also impregnated along with the attractants so as to increase the field life of the blocks.

  • Shelf life of blocks is 1 year under ambient storage condition and field life is 3 - 4 months, i.e. as long as the fruiting season lasts.

  • Environment friendly application. No direct human and crop produces contacts with the system. No fear of getting contaminated with toxic chemicals.

  • No equipment is required for application. It is user-friendly.

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Pheromone Impregnation Technology

NoMate pheromone system gives excellent control by depriving females from mating.  NoMate Pheromones are semiochemicals emitted by living organisms to send messages to individuals of the same species. 

Pheromones are the natural compounds that are created inside the body of an insect. The pheromones are chemically synthesized in the laboratory as required for different species of insects. These lures used to attract male insects into pheromone traps, thus stopping the mating of male and female insects. This system eliminates the chance of laying eggs and controls the insect population. System is a very much safer, environment friendly solution that benefits the people, planet and profits. 

Use of Technology:


  • NoMate pheromone lures are available in handy blister packings that facilitate the use of lures in odd numbers and require less storage.

  • NoMate Pheromone Traps are easy to install and simple to service, withstands exposure to extreme sunlight, Innovative water-proof design, protects lure from rain and does not require constant monitoring and servicing.

  • Pheromone based slow release mating disruption formulations impregnated in specific rubber septa. 

  • Specificity to a pest-no off target effects.

  • Pest life cycle is disrupted prior to egg laying hence, no issue of pest developing resistance.

  • NoMate Pheromone lures series of leppidopterous insects includes  NoMate Helicoverpa armigera lures, NoMate Spodoptera litura lures, NoMate Pectinophora gossypiella lures, NoMate Leucinodes orbonalis lures, NoMate Plutella xylostella lures, NoMate Scirpophaga incertulus lures, NoMate Earias vittela lures, NoMate Spodoptera frugipereda lures, NoMate Tuta absulata lures.

​Product Advantages:


  • Disrupting the development of all stages of insects includes egg, larvae, pupae and adults.

  • Contains no pesticides/harmful chemicals. No toxic effect on users/ farmers/ workers and animals.

  • Biodegradable and environmentally safe.

  • No pesticide residue into soil, air and water bodies.

  • Ready to use, no tank/sprayer/water required.

  • Minimum labour and time required for application and no physical stress in application.

  • Identify insect species and monitor adult moth activities. 

  • Pheromone traps can be used to determine the period accumulation. 

  • To plan insecticide applications according to the number of moths.

  • Also calculate the insect population density and their yearly population trends. 

  • Eco-friendly, economical and ease of installation, less maintenance. 

  • Safe for natural enemies like predators and parasites.

  • Safe for honeybees and natural pollinators. Increased pollinators activity and higher yields. 

  • No phytotoxicity and pesticides residues in the final produce or fruits.

  • Improved fruit quality, taste due to reduced/low usage of pesticides. 

  • Produces can be organically harvested and fetch a premium price.

  • Increased and continuous usages keeps pest population below ETL.

  • Community usages provides improved better results.

  • Significant reduction in cost of pest management.

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Microencapsulation Technology

Microencapsulation is a process in which tiny particles or droplets are surrounded by a coating to give small capsules, of many useful properties. In general, it is used to incorporate biofertilizers bacterial cells  on a micro metric scale. Microencapsulation can also be used to enclose solids and liquids inside a micrometric wall made of hard or soft soluble film, in order to reduce dosing frequency and prevent the degradation of formulations. 


In a relatively simple form, a microcapsule is a small sphere with a uniform wall around it. The material inside the microcapsule is referred to as the core, internal phase, or fill, whereas the wall is sometimes called a shell, coating, or membrane. Some materials like lipids and polymers, such as alginate, may be used as a mixture to trap the material of interest inside. Most microcapsules have pores with diameters between a few micrometres and a few millimetres. 

The reasons for microencapsulation are countless. It is mainly used to increase the stability and life of the product being encapsulated, facilitate the manipulation of the product and control its liberation in an adequate time and space. In other cases, the objective is not to isolate the core completely but to control the rate at which it leaves the microcapsule, as in the controlled release of biofertilizers.

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Microbes for Waste Decomposting

Our agriculture farm waste is made up of cellulose and lignin. Breakdown of cellulose and lignin, we need powerful decomposting microbes who can break down lignin and cellulose. DEBRISTA is a consortium of cellulose and lignin degrading microbes for composting farm wastes, green kitchen wastes, gardens and city wastes.



  • Use 250 gm of DEBRISTA for composting 1 ton of any waste. Make a slurry of Debrista & water and mix thoroughly with wastes. If the waste is too wet, use powder directly onto the wastes. Make heaps of treated wastes at a height of about 2 meter. Keep turning the heaps at an interval of 15 days to trigger aerobic composting faster. Maintain moisture level of 40% throughout composting. When compost gets cooled and soft it is an indication of compositing being over. It requires 250 gm of debrista powder for one ton or one acre debris. For spray application use   1 gm in 1 lit water. For soil application mix 250 gm with 50 kg soil or sand or organic manure and apply it in one acre area. 

  • The technology is developed with technical collaboration with  two premier institutes of BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai) and IARI (Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi).

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100x Series
Powered Bio-Fertilizers

Agriland 100x series biofertilizers is an ideal biology for Integrated Nutrient Management. They fix atmospheric Nitrogen and solubilize soil phosphorus, potash and zinc so as to make these important nutrients available to the plants. 

These are some of the advantages it offers :​


  • Reduces dependence on chemical fertilizers. 

  • Helps crops store and uptake more water and nutrients. 

  • Assimilates soil nutrients and imparts photosynthesis and protein synthesis. 

  • Produces plant growth promoting agents like Auxins, Cytokinnins, gibbrellins, IAA, IBA etc. 

  • 100x series of biofertilizers, if applied with Mycozone XP or Mycopower XP, they work exceedingly well.

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Hands in the Soil

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Smart NUTRA NANO Potency

Smart Nutra is series of nano minerals micronutrient chelated with amino acid which has more and instant efficacy at lower dose.

All these nano nutrients quickly get absorbed and assimilated by the leaves. It gets translocated inside the plant system. Without these essential nutrients, plants may suffer from poor growth and reduced yields, making them essential for healthy, thriving crops. Smart series is fast fuel nutrient in potentized form of multiple nutrients which required very less quantity per acre area which is crucial for faster plant growth. 

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We are the friends of farmers and the lovers of plants. Pests Beware!

36, Prince Industry Estate,


391520 (Samlaya),

Ta. - Savli,  Dist. - Baroda,

Gujarat, India



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