(Biopolymer Chitosan based Plant Elicitor)

Shelf life: 2 Years
Product Overview
Antity is a Biopolymer Chitosan based Plant Elicitor & immunity Booster that gets absorbed through foliage, exerts phytoalexin induction, builds immunity in crop plants against biotic and abiotic stresses and diseases in all field, fruit, vegetables, berries, tubers, fiber, cash crops, plantations and amenity horticulture. It is environment friendly and biodegradable.

Embedded Technology

Product is approved by IMO.
Product may be used in organic crop production in accordance to the NPOP, India and to the Regulation (EC) 834/2007 & Regulation (EC) 889/2008
Product Target
Building immunity among the crop plants against aerial plant pathogens causing Leaf blight, Leaf spots, Damping off, Powdery mildew, Downy mildew, Phytophthora and Alternaria, bacterial and viral diseases.

Product Speciality
An unique product of Oligo & polysaccharides, adapted to the new challenges of agriculture. Your first natural asset for an eco-responsible crop protection against bacterial and fungal disorders.
Nano level nutrition support, flower induction and yield enhancement.
Product Advantages
Boosts immunity of plants against plant diseases.
No known resistance.
Harmless to honeybees, parasites, predator, natural flora & fauna.
Breaking resistance among pathogens against chemicals.
Compatible with IPM components and other synthetic chemicals.
Method of Application and Dosage
Spray Antity with 3 ml/lit water in all crops
The first preventive spray should be made as soon as initial spots on foliage parts appear.
2 to 3 consecutive sprays at 10-12 days interval are recommended to safeguard die-back affected plants of orchard crops.
Compatibility :
Antity can be tank-mixed with all botanical and chemical foliar products.
Not compatible with living organisms based biological inputs.
Target Crops







Oil Seeds

Ornamental and Plantation Crops

Fruits and Vegetables
