(Potash Mobilizing and solubilizing bacteria)

Shelf life: 1 Year
Product Overview
Biomobile-K is a potash solubilizing and mobilizing bacteria which solubilize and mobilize the insoluble potash present in soils and convert it into soluble form and make available to the plants. BIOMOBILE-K produces amino acids, vitamins and growth Promoting substances like IAA and GA, which help in better growth of plants. It helps to improve soil fertility and productivity by reducing their adverse soil pH.

Product Target

Product Speciality
Add natural Potash in the soil in magnitude of 50-60 kg per Hectare.
Releases potash from natural sources of Potash namely granite and potash rich substances.
It promotes photosynthesis and transpiration and assimilates in the storage.
It improves the tolerance of plants to various stresses like drought.
It increases the size of the fruits.
Activates enzymes involved in the formation of organic substances like amino acids and starches.
It triggers the growth of young tissues and cell enlargement.
It induces resistance for diseases and pests in the plant body.
Enhance the sugar contents of crops like sugarcane, fruits and vegetables.
Product Advantages
Reduces dependence on potash fertilizers.
Promotes plant growth.
Promotes adventitious roots.
Increase nutrient uptake from soil.
Reduces the cost of cultivation.
Improves quality of the produces.
Increases crop yield.
Method of Application and Dosage
Soil drenching :
Take 30 ml Biomoble-K in 15 lit water and drench around rhizosphere zone of plants.
Application in Nurseries :
500 ml of Biomoble-K is mixed with 10 kg dried FYM and broadcasted in the nursery area required for an acre of main field.
Seeding Root Dip :
500 ml of Biomoble-K in 40 litres of water and dip the seedling roots for 10 to 20 minutes before transplantation.
Soil Application :
1 lit of Biomoble-K with 100 kg dried FYM and broadcast to 1 acre.
Drip :
Apply 1 lit of Biomoble-K along with 200-400 lit of water per acre.
Compatibility :
Biomoble-K contains living organisms and is sensitive to chemical bactericides and botanical pesticides. It is synergistic and gives complementary results, if applied with organic fertilizers, manures, composts and other biofertilizers including mycorrhiza.
Target Crops


Ornamental and Plantation Crops



Oil Seeds


Fruit Crops