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Growing Tomato Plants
NoMate Life Time Traps & Blocks
NoMate Life Time Traps & Blocks
Growing Tomato Plants
NoMate Life Time Traps & Blocks

NoMate Life Time Traps & Blocks

Shelf life: 1 Year

Product Overview

Fruit fly is a notorious pest insect. It was estimated that annual losses due to fruit fly in India was Rs.2945 crore in fruit crops and losses occur in cucurbit crops are about 30-40% annually. Principle with NoMate system involved is, male fruit flies are trapped & killed, thereby females are deprived of mating. NoMate Trap is made up of PET which is sturdy and heat resistant. NoMate blocks are of soft wood, impregnated with Methyl Eugenol and Cuelure. NoMate is a para-pheromone, attracts male fruit flies and lures them for genital organ development. Shelf life of the block is 1 year and field life is 3-4 months under ambient storage condition. System is environment friendly. No equipment required for application. It is users’ friendly and cost effective. 

Product Overview

Embedded Technology

NoMate Life Time

NoMate Life Time

It is very useful insect sex pheromonal system for season long control of fruit fly for fruit and cucurbit plantations.


Product is approved by IMO.

Product may be used in organic crop production in accordance to the NPOP, India and to the Regulation (EC) 834/2007 & Regulation (EC) 889/2008

Product Target

Methyl Eugenol block for Bactrocera dorsalis, Bactrocera correcta, Bactrocera zonata, Bactrocera invadens, Bactrocera papayae, Bactrocera musae fruit fly.

Cuelure block for Bactrocera cucurbitae, Bactrocera newmanii, Bactrocera tryonii, Bactrocera neohumeralis, Bactrocera frauenfeldi fruit fly.

Product Target
Farming Field

Product Speciality

Novel Idea- 1st of its kind - Painstakingly developed - Proved up to field objectives.

Users are getting rid of old lint system – Affordable because the smiling faces say.

NoMate Pheromone Traps are easy to install and simple to service, withstands exposure to extreme sunlight, Innovative water-proof design, protects lure from rain and does not require constant monitoring and servicing.

Design is copied in Market Place!!! - Happy to take honour of leadership.

Transport friendly - Folding convenience - Less volume/weight - Users’ friendly.

Available because it could be in plenty – Reusable, if cared - Patentable design.

Pheromone based slow-release mating disruption formulations impregnated in specific wooden block.

Pest life cycle is disrupted prior to egg laying hence, no issue of pest developing resistance.

Product Advantages

Disrupting the development of all stages of insects includes egg, larvae, pupae and adults.

Contains no pesticides/harmful chemicals. No toxic effect on user/ farmer/ workers and animals.

Biodegradable and environmentally safe.

No pesticide residue into soil, air and water bodies.

Ready to use, no tank/sprayer/water required.

Minimum labour and time required for application and no physical stress in application.

Identify insect species and monitor adult moth activities.

Pheromone traps can be used to determine the period accumulation.

To plan insecticide applications according to the number of moths.

Also calculate the insect population density and their yearly population trends.

Safe for natural enemies like predators and parasites.

Safe for honeybees and natural pollinators. Increased pollinators activity and higher yields.

No phytotoxicity and pesticides residues in the final produces or fruits.

Community usages provides improved better results.

Significant reduction in cost of pest management.

Product Speciality
Procuct Advantage
Method of Application

Method of Application and Dosage

Use 5 traps and 5 blocks per acre.

NoMate Life Time Trap is common to all the flies but blocks are specific to different species of fruit flies. First of all prepare trap to a box shape by locking bottom and ceiling of the trap. Insert block in the trap through a rectangular slot provided on 2 sides of the trap. Block consists a handle made of plastic string. Handle is to be taken out of the trap through a hole provided on the top of the trap and to be hanged at the twig of the tree at a height 5-10 feet above the ground. For crops other than tree crops, trap height may be kept 2-3 feet above the ground. Finally, block remains hanged inside the trap, handle remains fastened with the twig and the trap automatically makes its position. As soon as the traps are filled with fly catches, they are emptied just by opening the bottom of the traps and are locked again for further catches.

Target Crops

Target Crops



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Hands in the Soil

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391520 (Samlaya),

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Gujarat, India



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