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Growing Tomato Plants
NoMate Pheromonal Traps & Lures
NoMate Pheromonal Traps & Lures
Growing Tomato Plants
NoMate Pheromonal Traps & Lures

NoMate Pheromonal Traps & Lures

Shelf life: 1 Year

Product Overview

NoMate pheromone system gives an excellent control by depriving females from mating. NoMate Pheromones are a semiochemicals emitted by living organisms to send messages to individuals of the same species. Pheromones are the natural compounds that are created inside the body of an insect. The pheromones are chemically synthesized in the laboratory as required for different species of insects. These lures used to attract male insects into pheromone traps, thus stopping the mating of male and female insects. This system eliminates the chance of laying eggs and controls the insect population. System is very much safer, environment friendly solution that benefits the people, planet and profits. Agriland Biotech Limited offers extremely effective pheromone based solutions to tackle this menace as detailed below.

Product Overview

Embedded Technology

Pheromone Impregnation Technology

Pheromone Impregnation Technology

It is for notorious lepidopteron insects occurring high value horticultural and agricultural crops.


Product is approved by IMO.

Product may be used in organic crop production in accordance to the NPOP, India and to the Regulation (EC) 834/2007 & Regulation (EC) 889/2008

Product Target

Helicoverpa armigera : American Bollworm
Host plants: cotton, Bengal gram, red gram, black gram, green gram, chilly, chrysanthemum, cow pea, groundnut, Indian bean, maize, okra, sorghum, soybean, tomato.

Spodoptera litura : Armyworm
Host Plants : tobacco, groundnut, red gram, tomato, chilly, castor, cotton, maize, rice.

Spodoptera frugiperda : Fall armyworm
Host Plants : maize, rice, sugarcane, sorghum.

Scirpophaga incertulas : Rice Yellow Stem Borer
Host Plant : Rice

Leucinodes orbonalis : Brinjal Fruit & Shoot Borer
Host Plant : Brinjal

Tuta absoluta: Tomato leaf miner
Host Plant : Tomato

Pectinophora gossypiella : Pink Bollworm
Host Plant : Cotton

Plutella xylostella : Diamondback moth
Host Plants : Cabbage, cauliflower

Product Target
Farming Field

Product Speciality

Developed through pheromone impregnation technology which releases pheromones in the atmosphere very slowly for pretty long time.

NoMate Traps are easy to install and simple to service, withstands exposure to extreme sunlight, Innovative water-proof design, protects lure from rain and does not require constant monitoring and servicing.

NoMate lures are available in handy blister packings that facilitates the use of lures in odd numbers and requires less storage.

Pest life cycle is disrupted prior to egg laying hence, no issue of pest developing resistance.

Product Advantages

Disrupting the development of all stages of insects includes egg, larvae, pupae and adults.

Contains no pesticides/harmful chemicals. No toxic effect on user/ farmer/ workers and animals.

Biodegradable and environmentally safe.

No pesticide residue into soil, air and water bodies.

Ready to use, no tank/sprayer/water required.

Minimum labour and time required for application and no physical stress in application.

Identify insect species and monitor adult moth activities.

Pheromone traps can be used to determine the period accumulation.

To plan insecticide applications according to the number of moths.

Also calculate the insect population density and their yearly population trends.

Eco-friendly, economical and ease of installation, less maintenance.

Safe for natural enemies like predators and parasites.

Safe for honeybees and natural pollinators. Increased pollinators activity and higher yields.

No phytotoxicity and pesticides residues in the final produces or fruits.

Improved fruit quality taste due to reduced/low usage of pesticides.

Community usages provides improved better results.

Significant reduction in cost of pest management.

Produces can be organically harvested and fetches premium price.

Increased and continuous usages keep pest population below ETL.

Product Speciality
Procuct Advantage
Method of Application

Method of Application and Dosage

  • Install 5-20 traps per acre area at height of 1 feet above the crop canopy depends.

  • Do not open the lures in blister until just before using the product in the field.

  • Start using traps from 15 days of crop stage. Maintain about 50 feet distance between two traps.

  • Fix a lure of respective insect at the stalk provided in the trap.

  • Since the pheromones are insect species specific, lures are different for different insects. Therefore, the lure specifically for those insects that have infested the crops.

  • Destroy males either by burying them into soil or by soaking into kerosinized water.

  • Change lures at regular intervals from 30-45 days. Use clean hands while handling traps.

  • Observe trap catches at every 2-3 days to know the pest incidence and intensity in advance. Hence the pest control measures could be taken at right time.

  • Good maintenance habit makes it possible to reuse NoMate Funnel Traps.

  • Encourage and include your neighboring cultivators of same crop to use pheromone traps, so that the pest can be controlled effectively.

Trap them before they trap your profit !!! 

Target Crops

Target Crops











Ornamental and Plantation Crops

Ornamental and Plantation Crops

Oil Seeds

Oil Seeds

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and Vegetables



Hands in the Soil

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We are the friends of farmers and the lovers of plants. Pests Beware!

36, Prince Industry Estate,


391520 (Samlaya),

Ta. - Savli,  Dist. - Baroda,

Gujarat, India



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