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Growing Tomato Plants
Growing Tomato Plants

Phosphorus solubilizing Bacterial Biofertilizer


Shelf life: 1 Year

Product Overview

Phosphocell (L):

Phosphocell is a phosphate solubilizing bacteria which solubilize the insoluble phosphates present in soils and convert it into soluble phosphorous form and make available to the plants. Phosphocell produces amino acids, vitamins and growth Promoting substances like IAA and GA, which help in better growth of plants. It increases adventitious roots in cereals, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, fruits, sugarcane and thereby mobilizes nutrients needed to the crop. It helps to improve soil fertility and productivity by reducing their adverse soil pH.


Phosphocell 100x Series (WSP):

Phosphocell is a Phosphorus solubilizing bacterium that dissolves unavailable form of soil phosphorus and makes it available to the crops, thereby reducing the dependence on chemical supplement of Phosphorus in all agricultural crops.

Product Overview

Embedded Technology

100x Series - Powered Bio-Fertilizer

100x Series - Powered Bio-Fertilizer

An ideal biology for Integrated Nutrient Management

Microencapsulation Technology

Microencapsulation Technology

This technology is used for liquid biofertilizers.


Product is approved by IMO.

Product may be used in organic crop production in accordance to the NPOP, India and to the Regulation (EC) 834/2007 & Regulation (EC) 889/2008

Product Target

Product Target
Farming Field

Product Speciality

Solubilize phosphorous and production of growth promoting substances in varying irrigation and waterlogged fields, yet environment friendly.

Product Advantages

Reduces dependence on phosphate fertilizers.

Promotes plant growth.

Promotes adventurous root.

Increase nutrient uptake from soil.

Reduces the cost of cultivation.

Improves quality of the produces.

Increases crop yield.

Product Speciality
Procuct Advantage
Method of Application

Method of Application and Dosage

Phosphocell (L):

Dose : 500 ml/acre

Soil drenching

Take 30 ml Phosphocell in 15 lit water and drench around rhizosphere zone of plants.

Application in Nurseries :

500 ml of Phosphocell is mixed with 10 kg dried FYM and broadcasted in the nursery area required for an acre of main field.

Seedling Root Dip : 

500 ml of Phosphocell in 40 litres of water and dip the seedling roots for 10 to 20 minutes before transplantation.

Soil Application :  

1 lit of Phosphocell with 100 kg dried FYM and broadcast to 1 acre.

Drip : 

Apply 1 lit of Phosphocell along with 200-400 lit of water per acre.


Phosphocell contains living organisms and is sensitive to chemical bactericides and botanical pesticides. It is synergistic and gives complementary results, if applied with organic fertilizers, manures, composts and other biofertilizers including mycorrhiza.

Phosphocell (WSP) :

Dose: 250 gm/acre 

Spray Application:

Spray all field, fibre, vegetables, fruits, ornamental, and turf crops @ 20 gm in 15 lit water or 250 gm / acre.

Drip :

Apply in soils @ 250 gm/acre by drip, sprinkler or flood irrigation OR mix with 10 kg of soil or sand or organic manure and broadcast in one acre area.

Seed treatment:

Seed treatment may also be given @ 250 gm/acre seed lot.

Target Crops

Target Crops





Oil Seeds

Oil Seeds



Fruit Crops

Fruit Crops

Ornamental and Plantation Crops

Ornamental and Plantation Crops

Hands in the Soil

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