(Sulphur 40%SC formulation)
Shelf life: 2 Year
Product Overview
Saffron contains elemental sulphur in suspension concentrate form and contains 40% sulphur and very effective against powdery mildew, sporulation fungi and mites. It also acts as fourth major nutrient. Spores of powdery mildew are made up of carbohydrate surrounded by layer of oil globule. Saffron when comes into contact with oil globules, breaks oil globules easily and reacts with carbohydrate. Hence spores of powdery mildew are killed easily. After killing the spores, saffron gets converted into sulphide form on the surface of leaves and reacts with oxygen and gets converted into sulphate form (SO4) which can easily be absorbed by the plant. Hence by applying saffron, we can control fungi, mites and get fourth major nutrient useful for the crops.

Embedded Technology

Product is approved by IMO.
Product may be used in organic crop production in accordance to the NPOP, India and to the Regulation (EC) 834/2007 & Regulation (EC) 889/2008
Product Target
Powdery mildew
Leaf spots
Foliar pathogens
Fourth major nutrients

Product Speciality
Saffron is sulphur 40% suspension concentrate in colloidal form with particle size less than 3 micron.
It works excellent against fungi and mites.
Product Advantages
It is most effective formulations for the control of powdery mildew, sporulating fungi and mites.
It has no scorching effect on tender leaves, berries, or fruits. It is recommended to use in cucurbit crops also even when day temperature is higher.
Saffron, because of its particles less than 3 micron, exerts activities very fast and as the fourth major crop nutrient, it gets converted into sulphate very fast. This is the key for enhanced activity of Saffron.
Saffron is nonreactive with other spray inputs thereby can be tank-mixed with any spray input.
Use of Sulphur is approved by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements, Germany and All India Federation of Organic Farming, Mumbai.
Method of Application and Dosage
Spray Treatment:
Spray@2 gm/lit water or 800-1000 gm in 200 lit water for one acre area.
Target Crops



Ornamental and Plantation Crops









